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What Sets Holistic Nutrition Apart?

Nature's Way Works

A holistic nutritionist is far more than a mere provider of dietary advice for physical vitality. We are the interpreters of the body, mind, and spirit's interconnected dance, embracing the true essence of holistic wellness. 

In the world of holistic practitioners, we understand that all physical manifestations are born from mental inception, including both health and disease. We recognize that emotional well-being and physical health are inseparable companions. 

Scientific studies confirm what we know to be true – emotions are the steering wheel of our lives. They guide us towards particular people, foods, music, products, habits, and circumstances that may seem inexplicable. 

At the deepest level, our lives thrive on the pursuit of what makes us feel truly alive, whether we are consciously aware of it or not. Sometimes, the most potent therapy isn't about acquiring more; it's about letting go. 

As your holistic nutritionist, my role is to introduce you to a diverse spectrum of nourishment, helping you rediscover that essential equilibrium. Here's to your journey towards healing and lasting harmony.

Meet our Owner & Founder
Kiuna Hines

Certified in Holistic Nutrition & Counseling

April 2018 - Present

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Over the last 6 years, Kiuna Hines, our lead specialist at Nourishment 101, has been at the forefront of personal health transformations. Her expertise has facilitated dramatic changes, from profound weight loss achievements to the resolution of serious health conditions and the restoration of emotional well-being.

At Nourishment 101, we pride ourselves on being pioneers in the holistic field. Kiuna, uniquely recognized for her public declaration of ending menstrual bleeding through dietary and energetic means, has unveiled profound insights into the intricacies of the female anatomy.

Kiuna imparts her wisdom in an accessible manner, offering straightforward, step-by-step instructions. Her methods, proven by her youthful vitality at 42, are a testament to their efficacy.

Having been accredited by the American Fitness Professionals in 2018, Kiuna has assimilated the latest scientific insights and dietary practices from the vanguard of Holistic Nutrition. She draws upon the philosophies of renowned healers like Dr. Sebi, Edgar Casey, T. Colin Campbell, and Dr. Delbert Blair, synthesizing their teachings to support your wellness journey. Over a decade of adhering to optimal nutritional standards has not only bolstered her health and decelerated her aging process but also set a benchmark for her clientele.

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Join the Club

Ready to discover the keys to a healthier, happier you? Join us and gain access to our FREE grocery list, a $75 value, which will simplify your food choices, reveal substitutions, and highlight key ingredients to avoid. It's just the beginning of our 6-week counseling course.  Your transformation starts here at Nourishment101.

Click here to download

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